April 21, 2012

Structure, Function and Care of Human Skin

The human skin consists of two major structures:

* Epidermis

* Dermis

The Epidermis

The dermis is added subdivided into 5 Layers (from deepest to most superficial layer):

* Stratum basale

* Stratum spinosum

* Stratum granulosum

* Stratum lucidum

* Stratum corneum

The Stratum basale (also called Stratum germinativum): This is the deepest layer of the dermis and it is here that new cells are generated for the renovation of the epidermal layers of the skin. A process of cell group referred to as mitotic group is responsible for the generation of the new epidermal skin cells. After the mitotic group (cell group important to the formation of a new cell) a newly formed cell will experience a progressive maturation called keratinisation as it migrates to the outside of the skin (1).

The Stratum spinosum: The cells that divide in the stratum germinativum soon begin to collect many desmosomes (structures that join adjacent cells together) on their outer outside (1).

The Stratum granulosum: As keratinocyes (these are the basic cell of which the dermis is composed) progressively mature they collect a protein called keratin (this process is called keratinisation). In addition, the cells of the stratum granulosum collect dense basophilic keratohyalin granules (Granules found in living cells of keratinizing epithelia) (1).

The Stratum lucidum: This is the second layer of the dermis and varies in thickness throughout the body depending mainly on frictional forces and is thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (1).

The Stratum corneum: This layer consists of primarily dead skin cells. As a cell accumulates keratinohyalin granules, it is idea that rupture of lysosomal membranes (membrane outside lysosomal enzymes) release lysosomal enzymes (Lysosomal enzymes are those enzymes which are responsible for breaking down complicated chemicals within a cell which have expended their beneficial life) that ultimately cause cell death (5). The dead and dying cells filled with mature keratin form the stratum corneum .

Skin renovation Process In the Epidermis

The dermis is composed of stratified squamous epithelium (cells) and contains four critical types of cells. About 90% of the epidermal cells are keratinocytes (i.e.: cells with finger-like or 'horny' projections). They produce the protein keratin. Keratin helps waterproof and safe the skin and underlying tissues (2).

Keratinocytes in the stratum basale of the dermis can experience mitosis (cell division). The formation of new cells in this basal layer slowly pushes previously formed cells upward straight through the stratum spinosum. As keratinocytes advent the outside of the epidermis, they collect intracellular keratin and secrete a waxy material into the intercellular space; these changes are illustrated in the stratum granulosum, a distinctive layer which is diagnostic for a keratinized epithelium. As maturing keratinocytes seal off the intercellular spaces straight through which they receive nutrients, they ultimately die and form the stratum corneum, a tough and relatively impermeable layer of hardened, dead cells. Eventually, as cells reach the surface, they are sloughed off. The whole dermis above the basal layer is replenished (replaced by new cells) within about two weeks (3).

Epidermal cells

There are several cells that make up the epidermis. Although the keratinocytes are by far the most common, they are just one of the cells found in the epidermis.

Others include:

Melanocytes: The main function of melanocytes is to produce melanin, which is responsible for the colour of our skin (4).

Langerhans Cells arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Langerhans cells interact with white blood cells called ‘helper T cells’ in immune responses and are undoubtedly damaged by Uv radiation (2).

Merkel Cells: Merkel cells are located in the deepest layer (stratum basale) of the dermis of hairless skin, where they are attached to keratinocytes by desmosomes. Merkel cells make contact with the flattened portion of the ending of a sensory neuron (nerve cell), called a tactile (Merkel) disc, and are idea to function in the sensation of touch (2).

Dermo-epidermal Junction

The dermis and dermis are separated by the Dermo-Epithelial Junction. This junction holds the dermis and dermis together and this is achieved by discrete fibers along with collagen and desmosomes. This prevents the two layers becoming separated in areas of high shearing stress such as fingertips, palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

The Dermis

The dermis consists of two sub-layers:

* The Papillary dermis and

* The Reticular dermis

The Papillary dermis (sub-epithelial layer) includes areolar connective tissue, dermal papillae (finger like projections that growth the outside area) and ridges that expand into the epidermis.

These nipple-shaped structures protrude into the epidermis, and many include loops of capillaries (very small blood vessels). Dermal papillae cause ridges in the overlying epidermis. It is these ridges that leave fingerprints on objects that are handled (2).

The Reticular dermis consists of dense, irregular connective tissue containing interlacing bundles of collagen and tasteless elastic fibers. Within the reticular region, bundles of collagen fibers interlace in a netlike manner. A small quantity of adipose tissue, hair follicles, nerves, oil glands, and the ducts of sweat glands occupy spaces in the middle of the fibers. Varying thicknesses of the reticular region contribute to differences in the thickness of skin. The blend of collagen and elastic fibers in the reticular region provides the skin with strength, extensibility, and elasticity.

The Hypodermis

The reticular region is attached to underlying organs, such as bone and muscle, by the subcutaneous layer, also called the hypodermis or superficial fascia. The subcutaneous layer also contains nerve endings called lamellated or Pacinian (pa-Sin-e-an) corpuscles that are sensitive to pressure. Nerve endings sensitive to cold are found in and just below the dermis, while those sensitive to heat are located in the middle and outer dermis (2).

Skin Care of the Epidermis, Dermo-Epithelium, dermis and Hypodermis


Exfoliation of the skin affects the epidermis. The former function of exfoliation is to:

a) remove dead skin cells

b) Promote new skin cell growth

c) Promote blood circulation

Exfoliating the skin's outside is an important step in the maintenance of healthy, vibrant looking skin. Products such as the Skin renovation Gel, from Wildcrafted Herbal Products, utilises natural ingredients that slowly remove the dead skin cells and nourish underlying layers. Keeping dead skin cells to a minimum, allows the skin to be able to breath better, digest nutrients from moisturisers more undoubtedly and reduces the risk of infections such as Ring Worm and other pathogens.

In addition, removal of dead skin cells will sell out the potential for sweat glands to come to be blocked thus reducing white heads, blackheads and acne.


Following exfoliation, cleansing will remove more deep seated dirt and help free pores of potential obstruction from the stale, natural skin oils and environmental particles that come to be lodged in the skin's folds, wrinkles and pores.


Once the dead skin cells have been removed and the skin cleaned it is important to preclude pores from remaining open. Toning, utilises skin care products that include astringent ingredients which will close opened pores and preclude particles from entering the pores while they are wide open.

Natural skin care products should be used at all times, as there is addition evidence suggesting that some non-natural skin care products include ingredients that may be harmful to your health, as they are absorbed by your skin into the blood stream.

Natural skin care products such as moisturisers and masks target the Dermo-epithelium, dermis and Hypodermis.


Moisturisers lanch the dermis as they are absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin and the nutrients from the herbal extracts and critical oils in these moisturisers have the potential to promote cell growth and collagen production.

Moisturisers are an important final step in your daily skin care regime. They moisturise and help safe your skin, they hydrate your skin and nourish the cells and other structures outlined above, thus helping in maintaining the condition of your skin.

Clay masks

Once or twice a week, a deep cleansing mask should be used on your facial skin and neck. These masks not only help to deeply cleanse your skin, but furnish important nutrients to the tissues of your skin and help to remove dead skin cells from your skin’s surface.


1. [http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/medicine/dermatology/skinlsn/stspin.htm]

2. Tortora, G.J. & Grabowski, S.R. (1993) system of Anatomy and Physiology (7th Edition). HarperCollins College Publisher, New York. [Isbn0-06-046702-9]

3. http://www.siumed.edu/~dking2/intro/skin.htm

4. Medic.med.uth.tmc.edu/Lecture/Main/integ1.htm

5. [http://www.ggc.org/Diagnostics/Biochemical/lysosomal_enyzmes.htm]

6. [http://www.ggc.org/Diagnostics/Biochemical/lysosomal_enyzmes.htm]

Structure, Function and Care of Human Skin

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