This book is packed with guidance and documented studies concerning the science behind electro pollution from cell phones, microwaves, cordless phones, Gps devices and even your laptop. Signals from cell phones are proven to reach more deeply into the thinner skull and smaller brain of a child. If an electronic expedient picks up a signal- your body and brain are receiving it also.
The Environmental Working Group, Washington Dc reported a link in the middle of radiation from long term cell phone use and an increased risk of brain tumors. The science shows that a brain tumor can take in the middle of 10-20 years to develop.
The author explains how a professional electro-magnetic radiation (Emr) estimate can be finished to portion home exposure from the cordless phone, cell phones and the microwave oven. The harm from electro-magnetic radiation (Emr) includes damage to Dna, suppression of the immune system, leakage of the blood brain fence and thickening of the blood in disposition tests.
Emr can be thermal and non-thermal. Thermal emissions like those from a microwave can heat tissue. Non-thermal emissions by most wireless and wired devices under general use won't heat tissue. The Fcc offers recommendations on cell-phone emissions and doesn't hire a particular condition specialist agreeing to the author.
Research by Dr. Leif Salford Md at Lund University shows that Emr can cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier. Children and teens are 5 times more likely to experience a glioma or brain cancer if cell phone use starts prior to age 20. When the Ac magnetic fields from plugged in devices portion 1 to 5 milligauss- there is a severe concern.
The microwave oven leaks Rf radiation from 3-30 feet and 60 feet for older models. People should stand a minimum of 15 feet when a microwave oven is in use. A plugged in clock should be kept at least 6 feet from where you sleep.
The author suggests setting aside up to a half day or more each week to get away from the house completely.
There is an ample resource section at the end of the book. Excellent authoritative sources cited are:
* Epidemiology
* The International Journal of Radiation Biology
* The Lancet
* Bioelectromagnetics
* Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
* [...] and many others
This is an excellent book in every respect and well worth the investment.
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